The build system

Aery32 Framework comes with a powerful Makefile that provides a convenient way to compile the project. It also has targets for chip programming.

To compile the project just command:


When the compilation process is done, binaries will appear under the project’s root (aery32.hex and aery32.elf). These two files are used in chip programming or program uploading, or chip flashing. Whatever you like to call it. In addition to the binaries, assembly listing and file mapping files, have been created. aery32.lst and, respectively.

The program size is also showed at the end of the compile, like this:

Program size:
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   3724    1344    4176    9244    241c aery32.elf
      0    5068       0    5068    13cc aery32.hex

.text correspond the FLASH usage and .data + .bss is the total amount of RAM allocation. Note that you have to take the size of the stack (and possibly heap) into account as well. .bss section is the place where the initialized data is copied at runtime during the startup.


By default the project is compiled with -O2 optimization. If you run into troubles and your program behaves unpredictly on the chip, first try some other level of optimization

make reall COPT="-O0 -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections"

Chip programming

To program the chip with the compiled binary type:

make program

At this point the Makefile attempts to use batchisp in Windows and dfu-programmer in Linux, so make sure you have those installed. If you also want to start the program immediately type:

make program start

or in shorter format:

make programs

If you want to clean the project folder from the binaries call:

make clean

To recompile all the project files call:

make re

The above command recompiles only the files from the project root. It does not recompile the Aery32 library, because that would be ridiculous. If you also want to recompile the Aery32 library use make reall. There’s also cleanall that cleans the Aery32 folder in addition to the project’s root.

How to add new source files to the project

New sources files (.c, .cpp and .h) can be added straight into the project’s root and the build system will take care of those. If you like to separate your source code into folders, for example, into subdirectory called my/ then you have to edit the Makefile slightly. After creating the directory, open the Makefile and find the line:

SOURCES=$(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard *.c)

Edit this line so that it looks like this:

SOURCES=$(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard my/*.c) $(wildcard my/*.cpp)

Compile with debug statements

There are two additional make targets that helps you in debugging, make debug and make qa. The most important is:

make debug

This compiles the project with the debug statements. Use this when you need to do in-system debugging.

For quality assurance check use:

make qa

This target compiles the project with more pedantic compiler options. It’s good to use this every now and then. Particularly when there are problems in your program. This target can also tell you, if your inline functions are not inlined for some reason.

Project Versions

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Delay functions, #include <aery32/delay.h>

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