Contributor’s guide

The development of Aery32 Framework happens in GitHub, which is a web-based hosting service that use the Git revision control system. To contribute the code you have to have a GitHub account. After that you can fork Aery32 repository and start contribute by sending pull request.

GitHub has a good beginners guide about how to set up Git in Windows.

Sending a pull request (creating a patch)

Fixes are sent as pull requests. Before you start fixing the Aery32 library, create a new branch and code your patch in this new branch. If there is a reported issue you are fixing, name the branch according to the GitHub issue number, e.g. gh-02.

The benefit of this approach is that you can have plenty of fixes which are isolated from each others, especially from the master branch.

Coding standards

Follow Linux kernel coding style.

#include <avr32/io.h>

typedef struct Foo Foo;
typedef struct Bar Bar;

struct Foo {
    Bar *bar;

struct Bar {
    Foo *foo;

 * Initializes io pins (define the function briefly at the first line)
 * \param allinput If true all pins initialized as inputs
 * More detailed description comes here. Remember to use param names
 * within the function prototypes too.
void init_io(bool allinput);

void init_io(bool allinput)      /* Layout functions like this */
    int i;

    /* Use space between the syntactic keywords and opening parenthesis */
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        AVR32_GPIO.port[i].gpers = 0xffffffff;

        if (allinput == 0)      /* Do not use curly braces if not needed */
            AVR32_GPIO.port[i].oders = 0xffffffff;
            AVR32_GPIO.port[i].oderc = 0xffffffff;

int main(void)
    char *c;
    Foo foo;
    Bar bar; = &foo;

     * This is multiline comment that reminds you not to use compound literals
     * in Aery32 library, because avr32-g++ does not support those. What's
     * compound literal? This is: bar = (Bar) {.foo = &foo};

    for (;;) {      /* This is how infinite loops are written */

    return 0;

Writing the documentation

The documentation is constructed by Sphinx. Sphinx is a Python documentation generator but works fine for C as well.

The source files of this documentation are located at the separate GitHub repository, To build local html version of this documentation use make:

make html

The following commands assume you have Sphinx installed – if not, see the installation instructions below. Now browse to source/ directory and open the index.rst. This is the master document serving as a welcome page and “table of contents tree”. To edit these source files just open the file in your favorite editor and be sure to edit in UTF-8 mode. To understand reSt syntax start from

Installing Sphinx

In Windows

Case 1: I do have Python already installed

If you do have Python installed already, then you likely have setuptools installed as well. In this case install Sphinx with easy_install. Fire your command prompt (Win+R cmd) and command:

easy_install -U Sphinx

Otherwise follow steps below to install Python first and then Sphinx.

Case 2: I don’t have Python installed


We do not install setuptools here and thus do not use easy_install to install Sphinx. However you will get it installed along Sphinx installer and it is recommended to use it later when installing other Python packages.

  • Create temporary directory (e.g. myfoo) where to download the following things:
  • When the both download processes have been completed, you should have these two files:
    • python-2.7.2.msi or python-2.7.2.amd64.msi if you downloaded 64-bit version
    • Sphinx-1.1.2.tar.gz
  • First install Python by double clicking Python installer
  • After successful installation of Python, untar Sphinx-1.1.2.tar.gz into temporary directory
    • The exctarction process creates the Sphinx-1.1.2 directory, change to that directory and double click setup to install Sphinx
    • Once the Sphinx installation is complete, you will find sphinx-xxx executables in your Python Scripts subdirectory, C:\Python27\Scripts. Be sure to add this directory to your PATH environment variable. As you can see, this directory includes now also easy_install executable, which you should use later to install other Python packages.
  • You can now remove the temporary directory

Project Versions

Table Of Contents

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String functions, #include <aery32/string.h>

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Eclipse Juno

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